Exhibition Visit2025.01


Last time, I reported on my visit to the exhibition, but this time I went to the exhibition in Tokyo. The target was an exhibition called GREEN MATERIAL2025, and our customers were exhibiting, so I visited as a greeting. GREEN MATERIAL2025 was an exhibition with the theme of thinking about "the environment and manufacturing", and exhibited materials, materials, and equipment that take the environment into consideration. Since we also handle plastics, we are very interested in environmental issues, and we stopped by various booths to talk to them, and they said that there are many customers who are interested in recycling. However, in the end, he said that the price was an issue and it would not be adopted. Environment and cost: It's a difficult issue, but we have to take it seriously. LanguageThis page has been automatically translated. Please note that it may differ from the original content.

Exhibition Visits


先日関東方面への出張があり弊社のお客様が展示会に出展されているとの事でしたので 国際展示場に行ってきました。 今回はお邪魔したのはTOKYO PACK 2024という展示会です。 私は10/24(gold)の最終日のお昼近くに訪問したのですが、 かなり盛況な展示会で入場者も多く各ブースも盛り上がっている様子でした。 訪問したお客様も商談などでお忙しい中、対応していただき感謝です! また次回時間があればゆっくりと見たいと思った展示会でした。 Languageこのページは自動的に翻訳されました。元の内容と異なる場合がありますので、ご注意ください。